Der Zentralausschuss des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen hat in einer Stellungnahme den respektvollen Umgang der Staaten mit Flüchtlingen und Vertriebenen angemahnt. Das Statement wurde am 28. Juni in Trondheim veröffentlicht.
Hier ist die englische Pressemeldung und der Link zum lesenswerten Aufruf, die Menschenwürde der Geflüchteten an erste Stelle zu setzen:
In a “Statement on the Forced Displacement Crisis,” a call for the world’s nations to “honour the letter and spirit of their obligations under international law, including human rights and refugee law and especially the right of asylum” was issued on 28 June by the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC).
Encouraging “churches and specialized ministries of the churches in their diaconal and humanitarian response to people on the move,” the statement “acknowledges and understands the fear and uncertainty felt by societies, communities and churches in countries receiving large numbers of new arrivals.” However, it continues, “in the midst of fear and uncertainty, as Christians we are called to remember our common humanity, the shared God-given human dignity of all, the ‘Golden Rule,’ the mission of caring for orphans and widows,” as well as Christ’s injunction to welcome the stranger.