Today, on 29 Nov, the SBI chair circulated a draft text on SBI agenda item on loss and damage for further discussion and negotiation by the country Parties. In the contact group negotiation country Parties agreed to continue their work on the text while they expressed their concern on few Paras of the text.
G 77 China express its reservation on Para 7 that requests the Subsidiary Body of Scientific and Technological Advice (SABSTA), under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change to consider activities aimed at enhancing a relevant knowledge base and information base on technicalities of loss and damage. If loss and damage put under SABSTA then its sprit of implementation under the mandate of SBI will be weaken; express worries the G77 and China.
Again the Para 8 of the text requests ‘the Adaptation Committee to consider the possible ways of increasing coherence and cooperation among existing institutional arrangements and framework within and outside of the Convention in addressing loss and damage’ while the G 77 China emphasizes for an independent and stand alone Committee to work on the issues of loss and damage. If loss and damage is considered as an issue which is ‘beyond adaptation’ then it is logical to form a stand-alone committee.
Though para 9 decides to establish an international mechanism to address loss and damage but there is no indication of its means of implementation and financial mechanisms etc. Para 14 requests parties in a position to do so to support the implementation of the work programme on loss and damage, which is against the spirit of Convention and the Convention should take necessary measures to ensure financial support for the implementation of the Work Programme; G 77 commented.
Besides the above reservation from the G 77 and China, the Group said that the text gave less emphasis to several key issues like slow onset events, displacement and migration and the issue of territorial loss. They also commented to include compensatory mechanism in addressing loss and damage.
Against G77 views on the text, New Zealand welcomes and supported the text, Norway favors inclusion of SABSTA and USA emphasizes inclusion of other actors e.g. private sector and institutions outside the convention. EU asked for more time to work on the text before commenting in detail.