
English Version

VGGT from a Gender Perspective

Women need access to productive resources, (...)

Women need access to productive resources, education, health, income and employment in an environment free of violence in order to realise their human rights and attain gender equality. Considering (...)

Women need access to productive resources, education, health, income and employment in an environment free of violence in order to realise their human rights and attain gender equality. Considering the importance that secure land and property rights have for the lives of women and girls, Bread for the World and Oxfam welcome the fact that the “Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forest in the Context of National Food Security” (VGGT) address gender equality. In this study a gender perspective is applied to the guidelines and the connections regarding gender issues are identified. The study provides evidence that the guidelines acknowledge the importance of gender equality in land tenure in all activities related to the responsible governance of tenure.

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