Free Resources on Current Trends in World Christianity
By the beginning of the twenty first century, Christianity in Africa has taken shape and established roots in all areas of African reality. The World Council of Churches and Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) have published an Anthology of African Christianity.
The organisations have published the Anthology as a comprehensive information on churches and partners in the global South. It is an essential tool for researchers, development practitioners, church leaders and politicians to better understand the rapidly changing religious and social conditions of life in the African continent.
Proper knowledge of historical conditions, religious profiles and denominational backgrounds of social involvement of Christian churches as well as of Muslim partners in Africa is a key to engagement for development in local contexts.
Additionally there are available:
- Asian Handbook of Theological Education and Ecumenism.
- Anthology of African Christianity
- Handbook of Theological Education in World Christianity
- Handbook of Theological Education in Africa
- Orthodox Handbook on Ecumenism
- International Handbook on Ecumenical Diakonia
Regnum Books from Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) has now made the pdf versions of these books available for free download for international partners of Brot für die Welt and for individual use.
The volumes are available for free download under https://www.ocms.ac.uk/free-book-resources/ and can also be ordered directly with Regnum Books in Oxford https://www.regnumbooks.net/collections/handbooks. In case of any inquiries you can also contact: Rev. Prof. Dr. Dietrich Werner, Senior Advisor Theology, Ecumenical Education and Research at Brot für die Welt (dietrich.werner@brot-fuer-die-welt.de).